Stepping out on the Boardwalk

I am spending a few days at a conference in Orlando and this morning set out from the Dolphin Hotel for a run. The boardwalk turns out to be a good test of one’s stride.

I wore my VFF Bikilas, mostly because I feel a little self-conscious striding through the lobby of a fancy hotel in bare feet, especially with a lot of customers and partners about. Part of my run took me to the Boardwalk and the shoes came in handy as they are required there. I’m sure the concern is for splinters and it’s probably a legitimate one.

The boards on the walk are not all so tightly screwed down and they tend to clunk if you aren’t hitting lightly, so it was good practice to run as quietly as possible. It was towards the end of my run and I find that when I’m tired I get a little further back on my heels, so this exercise kept me on my toes, if you will. When I get back to Boston I’m planning/hoping to meet up with Barefoot Ken Bob, so will be glad to have my form in good order.

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2 Comments on “Stepping out on the Boardwalk”

  1. Is there a problem with being further back on your heels? As long as you aren’t heel striking and landing midfoot shouldn’t everything be okay?

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